06. FAQ

Q1: What level is this app for?

It is suitable for beginners to intermediate levels, so that they can do extensive reading.

Q2: Can even beginners do it?

You may find it difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be fine.

Q3: How long does it take per day to be effective?

Try to do one story every day

Q4: Will the content change?

The app administrator will update it every week.

Q5: Can I bring my own content?

Currently, we do not have such a function.

Q6: Are earphones and a microphone required?

You can study without earphones and a microphone.

Q7: Can I study on devices other than iPhone?

Currently, it is only for iPhone and iPad.

07. Let’s get start

Firstly you should get the app. Let’s Go to App Store.

08. About Us

Binary Records LLC.
2-26 Kitamikata Takatsu
Kawasaki city  Kanagawa pref.   Japan
September 2023

2023 Binary Records LLC.  All Rights Reserved.